You Might Be A Domain Hoarder If…

If you are squatting on more domains than you have websites to fill. If you are always coming up with clever website ideas. If you register domains because of FOMO. If you search domain registrar sites for URLs more frequently than you balance your checkbook, you might be a domain hoarder. Hello, my name is…

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Taking Tax Time by the Horns

Every year tax time seems to creep up and get the best of me. So this year I thought starting early would be the ticket. It helped! I’m taking tax time by the horns and WINNING! They say nothing is certain but death and taxes. That sure feels like the truth when each year we…

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Finding A Good Bookkeeper

If you’ve ever heard me speak on entrepreneurship or starting a business, then you’ve heard my rant about finding a good bookkeeper. I’ve known a few bad ones but that only honed my interviewing skills and led me to work with my last two amazing professionals. When the last one moved his practice to Washington…

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Promises Can Make Or Break A Business

Many a reputation have been destroyed by false hope and quick words. Since words carry so much weight, always remember… promises can make or break a business or a person. Isn’t it wise then, to only make promises you know you can keep? Whether it’s with yourself or someone else, and especially in business, take…

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Learning How To Embrace Adaptability

Responsibility aside, planning is one of my superpowers. So, this new mama role is really causing a rub. Being responsible for a business is one thing, but our daughter has forever trumped work life. That means any plans I make are now subject to whatever she is experiencing in her growth and development processes. They…

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From Our Family To Yours… Merry Christmas!

As this incredible year comes to an end, we find ourselves overwhelmed with gratitude and delight, and excitement for all that is to come in the days ahead. Our hearts are so thankful for the amazing people in our lives who walk with us and love us so much. We want you to know just…

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Rain, the holidays, and Friday traffic are already making things nasty out there today. Plus, a whole new skill is being learned in our household as the Teasdale’s are sleep training as a family! Luckily there are two days just ahead reserved for home, family, and downtime, but right now all I can say is…

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Set Your Mind on Gratitude Every Day

Do you feel it’s easier for you to self-start on Mondays, or harder – and why? I’m encouraging you not to let society tell you how to approach your day or your week. Set your mind on gratitude every day for the opportunities you encounter and the motivation you need on Monday (or every day)…

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Calling All Women Entrepreneurs

Tomorrow is Women Entrepreneurship Day and I’m throwing out respect for all you ladies who juggle all the roles and responsibilities like the bosses you are. There has never been a time I haven’t been working on something. Be it school, a craft, a house project, or in this amazing business, but now that I…

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Land of the Free Because of the Brave

Thank you doesn’t begin to cover it. To all who have served, and are still out there defending our country – we wouldn’t be free without your sacrifice. We are the land of the free because of the brave. Because of you! To every vet who has served or is serving, words aren’t enough. To…

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