How I Took the Fun Out of Disneyland

It wasn’t until the second half of our last day at Disneyland that I realized I had to share about my observations of the “happiest place on earth”. My family could arguably be the #1 Disney-loving family of the Pacific Northwest and we would rival any other. Put us on Disney’s version of the that…

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Life Lessons for the Business Owner

Being a business owner is a constant learning curve. There are always new opportunities, new challenges, and new situations forcing us to learn and grow. For me, there’s never a shortage of “lessons” I’m being taught. Here are a few business life lessons I’ve been learning the last several months: Make time to invest in your…

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When the Going Gets Tough…

for when the going gets tough - entrepreneur inspiration

Being an entrepreneur is no joke! It often calls for long days, sleepless nights, and nonexistent weekends. The flipside, however, is what makes it worth it: doing what you love to make a difference in your sphere of influence. Some days, the rewards clearly outweigh the challenges. But other days, the obstacles seem insurmountable and…

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True to Who You Are: A Business Owner’s Guide to Identity

The road to business success is paved with choices: Will you play it smart, or play it safe? Will you take a shortcut to get ahead or remember slow and steady wins the race? One of the more defining choices you will make many different ways and many different times is whether you will chose…

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Finding Motivation When You Need It Most

Where to Find Motivation When you Need it Most

Whether it be in our workout routine or in the workplace, there comes a time when we could all use a little more motivation. How do you know you are needing some motivation? You dread the task at hand You find yourself unhappy or not enjoying the things you used to You are moving further…

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Entrepreneurial Goals: Are Your Goals Limiting You?

As a small business owner, you innately possess an advantage: your entrepreneurial spirit. This driving force is at the heart of your business, pushing you harder and asking you to dream bigger. The entrepreneurial spirit is not something you can teach; it’s simply something you possess. This powerful drive takes an idea and makes it…

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Dream Content Creation Team


A dream team is “a team of people perceived as the perfect combination for a particular purpose”. The art of creating content is both calculated and free-spirited. We are finding the continued blurring of industry lines as ideas and actions are fused together. It’s beautiful to see that science and art are no longer separate;…

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Imagine the Possibility


Every business leader wants to see success in their business. But, once you have succeeded… what’s next? Don’t stop there! Imagine where else you could go. Is it a second business? Is it expanding to a new location? Maybe, going international? It is very common for business leaders to become comfortable where they are at…

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5 Entrepreneur Lessons I’ve Learned in 5 Years

colorful pens

Five years ago, the company I worked for (and may never have left) was swallowed by our ‘sister’ company and they closed our location for good. No more than 2 weeks later I had conversations with a small business owner that was in need of my help and shortly after, my business launched. Over the…

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Importance of Taking Breaks at Work

Sometimes you are so over your head with work and obligations that you forget what it’s like to not be constantly running around, on your way to an appointment, or buried under projects and paperwork. In the midst of all the chaos, it’s important to make sure that you are living a healthy and well-balanced…

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