Blog Strategy
Category Organization: It Does Matter
Blog categories and tags Blog categories and tags are a file and search system for your posts. Categories are the main topics generally listed on the side of a blog’s page so that readers can easily search articles and posts related to certain topics. Tags are specific themes or key-phrases assigned to individual articles and…
Read More3 Simple Tips for Writing a Good Blog (it doesn’t have to be complicated!)
The beauty of a blog is that it’s a blank canvas. It’s in the writer’s hands to do with what he or she pleases; to make it what he or she envisions; and to execute that vision with however much or little consistency he or she wants. The secret is that it doesn’t have to…
Read MoreUtilizing Your Blog and Website Keywords
Using Keywords to Boost SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) changes it stripes so often, it is difficult to stay afloat in the Google-verse. The formulas created for content to show up in Google search rankings is so tumultuous that I can’t even remember what the difference was between Penguin and Hummingbird. All I know is…
Read MoreSelena – A Real American Drama
“Selena” Hard work, vision, entrepreneurship and the making of a true American dream! If you haven’t seen or heard of it, “Selena” is a movie based on the life of Selena Quintanilla Perez: a once up-and-coming Hispanic pop star. This biography follows the star from her humble beginnings to her untimely death in 1995 at the…
Read MoreGuest Blogging: It’s not Dead!
In recent months there’ve been many articles stating guest blogging is dead. I’m here to tell you it isn’t and shouldn’t be dead when done correctly. What do I mean by that? It is said Content is King. If you blog for your own business, you know that the more often you blog, the more…
Read MoreThe Bottom-line Reason You Need A Blog
Q: What’s the point of blogging? Nobody reads mine anyway. A: No, no, no, no, no! There is a point to blogging! If you find yourself asking this, chances are there are a few things you’re forgetting to do — mainly sharing it and making it shareable. But fear not, we can explain why…
Read MoreBlogs: Are They Important?
5 reasons why you should have a business blog. We’ve all seen it. A business website with a “Blog” tab that reveals two posts written 18 months ago. Somewhere along the line, most business owners recognize they should have a blog. What they may not understand is why they should have a business blog.…
Read MoreRSS Feeds & Your Blog: Defined
Understanding what an RSS feed is and how it works. Depending on the business and industry, blogs can be (and usually are) a brilliant idea for business owners. Regular posting keeps your site content fresh, which helps boost SEO. Well-written articles become a resource for your target audience. Your blog becomes a center-point of information…
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