Shop Local!

I’m sure you’ve seen the bumper stickers and heard the phrase “shop local.” It’s a whole movement centered on a single idea: shop local to support your local economy. There’s a whole list of cause and effect reasons why it’s beneficial to shop this way, but here are some of the most compelling ones: For…

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Google+ and Your Business

Google+ on phone

The world of social media continues expanding, bringing us new ideas and avenues to communicate. Most of us have heard of YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, three of the most widely used social media platforms. But there’s one more that emerged on the scene early last year: Google+. You may have heard about Google+, and wondered…

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What’s in a QR Code? [Pt 2 – How]

The best part about QR codes is how easy it is to create them. Several online websites will generate your QR code for free (list provided below). Effectively using your QR code can be the greater challenge. Propel’s best suggestion is to be creative! Sure, you can simply link to a website or blog (if…

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What’s in a QR Code? [Pt 1 – Why]

Technology constantly presents us with exciting new marketing tools. As a business growth and development company, Propel researches the latest ideas to help you find tools truly worth implementing. Recently, we have seen one aspect of technology, QR codes, emerging with great potential. QR (“Quick Reader”) codes are the black-and-white squares resembling checker boxes that…

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Where do you show up?

searching with Google

First impressions are important, yes. But in business, image is everything and how you are perceived plays a vital role in your success. Although what you do to present yourself and your business is important, it is ultimately your customers and those your business comes in contact with who will do most of the work…

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Today’s Media & Your Business


“Media” has become a word we may never fully wrap our minds around, most likely because it is ever-changing. The history of communication relates a relatively quick evolution… and it’s hasn’t slowed down a bit. White paper and newspaper circulation gave businesses their first opportunity to reach the masses long ago, but the world quickly…

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Rolling Out the Red Carpet

red carpet

If customer service is what makes or breaks an experience for all of us and average customer service is forgettable at best, we’d venture to say the only way you stand out is either with bad service or outstanding service. We know we have a few tales of excellent customer service experiences we will never…

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Locking On Your Target

on target

Being in business is all about the people you serve. Arguably, your client truly can be considered the most important aspect of your business; without them, there is no lifeline. You’re just spinning wheels without traction. Who are your clients? Better yet, who are your best clients? We’re not just talking about their names… think…

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Connecting Your Name With Your Face

conference table

We’ve all heard the phrase, ‘you only have one chance to make a good first impression’. Understanding just how true that statement is, remember that your business name and brand image are important decisions you’ll want to take some time to seriously consider. The question is: What message do you want to send? Cute and…

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