Qualifying Appointments
Securing business appointments that matter, and how to say “no” to the ones that don’t As a business owner or sales director, you likely have a very full plate. Your day is spent managing client needs, solving problems, giving direction to employees, and all the other general tasks of doing business. But on top of…
Read MoreBusiness Resources
We are excited to announce our NEW Business Resource Guides! First is our Social Media Resource Guide. This guide is a collection of tips, facts, guidelines, and information about how to use 7 of the main social media platforms for business. We’ve also included general social media tips, as well as ideas for non-profits to…
Read More6 Tips for Building a Dream Team
Every leader wants a team of rockstars: people who work hard, work well, and keep pace. But as we all know, people like that don’t exactly grow on trees. You have to weed out a lot of underperformance to find the achievement. Creating a dynamic team starts by making sure the right people are in…
Read MoreFor Those Who Have Fought
This Veteran’s Day, we pause to salute those who have fought for our freedom. You have sacrificed so much to protect us, and our country. You have made the life we are so privileged to lead possible and we do not take it for granted. This year, we’d like to take it a step further…
Read MoreTeam Building Tips for Leaders
Building a strong team is critical in the success of your business. Having the right or wrong people on board is what will make or break you in the end. And we don’t just mean your employees! You should carefully understand who you’re joining forces with as a partner, vendor or contractor, too. We’d…
Read MoreEffective Business Planning
As a business growth and promotions company, strategizing and business planning is a core component to who we are at Propel Businessworks. It’s something we do day in and day out; creating plans has become very second nature to us. We are convinced that determining goals and action steps is the best way to set…
Read MoreBack In the Swing of Things
Labor Day has come and gone, school is back in session, and suddenly summer is over. We’re looking at the last few months of 2012, and it’s time to roll up our sleeves and end this year on a high note. Remember your 2012 business plan? Does it seem a little far-fetched to try and…
Read MoreTruth or Dare? – Raising Your Expectations
Remember playing truth or dare as kids? Everyone took turns going around the circle, choosing to share either a truth about themselves or, if you were really cool, taking on a dare that the group challenged you with. It was a moment of truth: whether or not you would actually do the dare. Being an…
Read MoreIndependence and the Entrepreneur
America. Whatever else might be right or wrong with it, one of the greatest things our country has to offer is the chance for us to make our dreams a reality. There is something powerful to be said of our freedom to choose what we want to do, and have the resources readily available to…
Read MoreWinding Down the School Year
The school year is winding down, and we increasingly hear people discussing their summer plans. What are your plans for your business this summer? Does your workload tend to increase or decrease over the summer months? No matter how the season affects you, it’s important to strategize now how to maintain your business’ hard-earned momentum.…
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