How Personal Priorities Impact Your Entrepreneurial Life

Entrepreneurship is always met with challenges, but I’ve found that none are as difficult for business owners to live up to and balance as the personal priorities we set for ourselves, and the priorities we choose to keep. It truly takes commitment and grit to stand up and stand firm, keeping what we value in…

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The Five F’s: How Your Priorities Determine Your Life

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse”. – Jim Rohn  I first discovered this quote in college. At the time, I recall physically nodding my head in agreement. I still revisit it occasionally, and each time, it brings new meaning. If you’re anything like…

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Are You a Giver? 6 Ways to Up Your Generosity Game

Generosity is a principle that is often lost in today’s fast-paced, divided, selfish, dog-eat-dog world. Stories on the news often leave us wary and skeptical of scammers and thieves, while we might hear friends tell tales of being taken advantage of after they’ve given and given. It honestly breaks my heart when I hear stories…

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What Does Being Generous Mean?

How Generosity is Defined Generosity is defined in a number of ways. One definition is “the quality of being kind or generous”, while an alternative definition is “the quality or fact of being plentiful or large”. In the thesaurus, one of many synonyms is “openhandedness”. Each of these speak to an inherent sense of giving,…

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Having High Standards in Business Starts with People

They say how you do one thing is how you do all things. In business, character stands out, whether good or bad, and you will end up being known for it. Having high standards doesn’t mean treating people poorly when they don’t share your standards. In fact, exactly the opposite is true. When dealing with…

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High Standards: Do what you can with what you have where you are

“Do what you can with what you have where you are.” -Theodore Roosevelt I’ve had an insatiable hunger in my bones now for as long as I can remember. My earliest memories began during tennis conditioning, hurling my body up and down the court running lines, pouring sweat, and leaving it all out there. In school,…

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Business Planning Happens in Various Ways

Business planning isn’t only about an annual plan, nor about an official document, it happens in many various ways. Planning can be used in almost every area of business and since it comes natural to me, it has always been an important part of my personality and life. In this article, I’m talking about all…

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Small Business Organization: Where Should an Entrepreneur Start?

Small business owners and entrepreneurs face the challenge of wearing ALL the hats. With or without team members, we are responsible for making or doing the thing we sell, answering the phone, responding to emails and incoming inquiries, and handling sales and marketing and bookkeeping and taxes, to name a few. It’s no surprise overwhelm creeps…

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The Impact of Branding (it’s not just about a logo)

What impact does branding have? Let’s start here: When you hear the word ‘brand’ what do you think of? It may be a company like Nike, or Apple, or Target. You might picture a particular product that a company has advertised or that you’ve come across that impacted or spoke to you. You may recall…

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