The Power of Gratitude

This is the time of year to count your blessings and express gratefulness to those who have made a difference.  Here at Propel we owe so much to you, not only as a client, but because you have enriched our lives.


Note from the Editor –
Last month, I took a few days to stop and plan for 2012, but before I could plan for a whole new year I had to stop and reflect on what the last twelve months has brought me.  So, as another year winds down, it’s with a humble heart that I remember on the lessons learned and the amazing people I’ve had the privilege to work beside.

I’m sending a very special thank you to each of my clients and students, my contractors, business associates, my awesome representatives and my employee, who made this year worth noting!  I am grateful for the growth you’ve pollinated not only in my own life, but in the life of Propel and I wish each of you the kind of support and success you have offered me.

The words “thank you” don’t touch what my heart wants to say.  But it’s the very least of what I can offer to show my gratitude.

Cheers to a new a year of adventure that lies ahead in 2012!  Let’s make this the best year yet! – Jamie

This holiday, we want to express our sincere thanks, and offer inspiration about the power of gratitude.

Cultivating a culture of gratitude in your business may sound idealistic, but it’s actually a proven, strategy for many notable companies such as: Nordstrom, Les Schwab, Southwest Airlines and others.  Not only is it good for business, but developing an attitude of gratefulness affects your personal outlook on life as you realize how much you truly have to be grateful for.

Here are strategies for expressing gratitude that Propel has found to be meaningful:

Most simply, a heart-felt “Thank you” cannot be undervalued or overused. No need to be wordy or emotional, nor should it be hurried or half-hearted. With the proper tone of voice, body language, and eye contact, “Thank you” becomes a powerful way of connecting.

When expressing gratitude, be specific, such as: “Thank you for your time,” “Thank you for the input you gave me about that project,” etc… Even if your words seem trivial, no one forgets the feeling of being appreciated and they are most likely to reciprocate.

Do not underestimate the impact of thank-you cards; they are a lost art in this fast-paced business world.  More than an email or phone call, a hand-written note communicates the value of the relationship. Be intentional about including specifics regarding qualities you admire or the act of which you are appreciative.

Recently, my friend told me about how her insurance broker of 15 years ends every meeting and conversation with, “Thank you for being my customer.” It’s so intentional and consistent that one day she questioned him.  He explained, that with all the options she has, he truly feels grateful and appreciative every time she chooses to continue to work with him. Could it be that simple?  Of course it is!  In today’s world, we would be amiss to take any level of success for granted.

Each person desires to be valued. Expressing gratitude to your clients builds a strong connection leading to loyalty. More importantly, gratefulness powerfully affects your approach to life, setting a course for true success…This kind of success is not measured by dollar signs, but rather by the quality and depth of your relationships.

This holiday season, if you make one resolution, resolve to embrace the power of gratitude.

Propel’s Suggested “Power of Gratitude” Resources:
Forbes “Growing your business through practicing gratitude”
Thank you note examples and tips

About Jamie Teasdale

Jamie Teasdale founded Propel Businessworks, a small business development company, in 2009. Since then, she has been lending insight and creativity to businesses all over the U.S., giving them the tools they need to plan, promote, and prosper.