The Privilege of Doing What You Love
As the old adage goes, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Mark Twain’s famous words had merit then, and they do now. After all, does anybody wake up and say to themselves, “I really want to be bored at my job today”? Probably not.
I recognize “doing what you love”, or even having the time and space to pursue such measures is a privilege and luxury not everyone is blessed with. But if you’re anything like me, you operate from the mentality of “If life is too short, why not spend it doing the things that make me tick?”

We Work…. A Lot
Globally, adults work a staggering 33% of their lives. In America, those numbers reach even greater heights. Working a mundane job simply because it pays the bills is simply no way to live and can be a fast-track to unhappiness.
Money buys comfort and stability, sure, but beyond that, it is material and if nothing else, temporal. How much do you value your time? Your worth? Your relationships and wellbeing? Honest questions require honest answers.
While some may be content with stability (and there’s no judgment here), I encourage everyone to take inventory of their lives and examine what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. Finding and doing something enjoyable in life is an immense blessing. When this is the very thing that earns you a living? Even better.
What Does it Mean to Do What You Love for a Living?
So what are the considerations of doing what you love for a living? I certainly am the first to admit I have much to learn, but in my time as a freelance writer and small business owner, I’ve learned a handful of things.

Doing what you love requires sacrifice, hustle and discipline.
There have been days I’d rather be out kayaking on the lake, running in the sunshine, or nestled by the fire reading a thriller instead of writing. But deadlines are deadlines and there are plenty of people depending on my deliverables. As the sole person running my business, there is only one person holding me accountable at all times: me. In order to do what I love for a living (and keep my job), this is the standard I must uphold at all times. And that requires constant effort.
It may not always be lucrative. Or glamorous.
I left a job that offered me a generous salary, health benefits, and numerous travel opportunities. And I still wouldn’t trade anything for my current job: working from home in my pajamas. 5 days a week.
Be realistic and have a back up plan.
In my case, this meant pursuing another side hustle to feel financially secure for my personal lifestyle. And to be clear, this is a sacrifice I am willing to make so writing can continue to be my “main thing”. Fortunately, both jobs fill my heart to the brim.
Know what drives you. And be relentless in pursuit of that.
Only you can define this for yourself. It may require years of introspection and soul-searching to find answers. But it’s a rewarding journey if it leads you to a place of considering your passion as a profession.

What It Comes Down To
At the end of the day, the choice is yours. It takes bravery to even consider your dreams as a means of living, and it’s certainly not a path for the faint of heart.
But what’s on the other side of this choice? Happiness? Fulfillment? Joy?
Surely, dreaming of doing what you love and that actually becoming a reality assumes a lot: that you roll the dice and things go favorably.
I know firsthand what a blessing it is to create a life I am so proud to be living. To dream and to become. To endeavor and to realize. To yearn and to know wholesomeness.

It is this grand and daring exploration I would encourage everyone to take a chance on.
This article was written by our very own Megan Carter. Learn more about Megan here.