How Google is Becoming Relevant in the Business Environment with Post Ads
Paid social amplification is becoming the name of the game for modern advertising campaigns held on social platforms. Each social network housing today’s over 1.5 billion monthly users, as well as social website such as Reddit, offer their own unique approach to paid reach for your quality content or product.
Google Shows its Strengths
Google+ is perhaps one of the leaders in this area, as their strategies and tools are uniquely catered to advertisers wanting to gain a following while reaching the plethora of consumers that the Google social network has to offer.
Google+ Post Ads is geared towards engagement and emphasizes content over simply a product or landing page. These methods are molded by Google’s own search engine algorithm. Rather than push a one sentence pitch with a picture like in the old days of ads, Google+ Post Ads works to share your content in order to earn the shares, “+1’s” and comments that Google’s search engine looks for when ranking content in its search results.
The Google+ Post Ads tool pushes your content across multiple devices and sources. This is something truly unique that Google brings to the table here. Because Google advertising and its AdWords tool represent a wide breadth across the web, your content will appear not only in Google search results but has the opportunity to be viewed across a variety of mediums and platforms.
What To Do
If you’re looking to take advantage of Google’s +Post Ads, you’ll need to first create an AdWords account and campaign. AdWords is Google’s online advertising service launched in 2000 that is responsible for the ads that you see at the top, bottom, and sides of your search results. It is a powerful keyword tool and an essential part of an advertising campaign.
Select “Display Network Only-Engagement” as your campaign type, and then set your devices, location, languages, and daily budget.
Next you’ll create your Ad Group, making sure to set your targeting settings so that Google knows how you want your ads targeted. The options are
· Display keywords
· Interests & re-marketing
· Use a different targeting method
Lastly you’ll get to work creating your ad. Google offers a number of templates to work from, and features one made specifically for +Post ads. Sync up the ad you’ve just created with the Google+ page you are trying to promote, and select the content you want to push.
Make sure to have a short but engaging call to action, as well as a high quality image to which you own the rights in your ad. Finally let your ad go live and watch it gain traction (hopefully) all over the web on the Google Display Network.
Never Count Them Out
Currently Google is offering its Google+ Post Ads feature to those with over 1,000 followers. So any accounts that were early adopters or brands that meet the requirement currently have a leg-up over fledgling accounts and products.
When Google launched their social network Google+ in the summer of 2011, the web was overrun with cynicism and skeptical comments regarding whether Google could compete in a world where Facebook was already approaching 1 billion monthly active users. Google has shown with Google+ Post Ads that it still has the power to stay relevant in today’s business world, by bringing the power of Google and its ad revenue machine to a social network specifically catered to work together with their pre-existing products and features.
Do you think ads are necessary and relevant in business? Tell us your thoughts!
-Ivan Serrano {Web Journalist & Guest Blogger}
Ivan Serrano is a web journalist focused on social media and global business, and is based in Northern California. To see more of his writings, follow him on Twitter.
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