Simple Tips to Include Office Security on a Budget
In everyday life, security is one of the issues that you have to pay attention to. Meaning, you have to pay equal attention to your personal security as well as to security of your office property.
Taking security measures starts with your behavior the moment you enter your office building parking lot and ends with your behavior in your work space.
Consider these security tips listed below, and you will surely improve your office security:
1. Have your parking lot and office building covered with security cameras and properly lighted.
A suggestion would be to use few dummy security cameras to deter potential burglars. Be sure that you close all windows, lock the doors on your car and activate your car alarm before entering your office building.

2. Ensure that uninvited and unannounced guests can’t enter the building.
You can use various types of electronic locks that can be unlocked only with appropriate card key, RFID (Radio-frequency identification) tags or something of sorts. Every electronic lock can be easily connected to any alarm system that you have installed. Putting a reception desk in the lobby and hiring a receptionist is a good idea. As well as having a security person on duty at all times.
3. Wear identity badges.
Make sure to have the full name and a picture of an employee on all identity badges. Also, provide office clients with guest identity badges. This is one of the basic security measures you can use to ensure you know everyone who is coming and going out of the building.
4. Keep your personal items with you.
Don’t leave your personal (wallet, purse, keys) or office belongings laying around your work space without any supervision.
5. Keep everything locked and organized.
When you leave your office, even for a few minutes, be sure that you have your computer locked and your confidential papers put away from easy reach. Always keep your office door closed, regardless of you being in or out of your office. Before leaving office for home, clean your desk, dispose every document that has confidential data properly by shredding it, check if the windows are well closed/locked, and lock desk drawers and file cabinets.

6. Label your office equipment.
Label your office equipment with extra marks such as stickers or seals with your logo and inventory number. Put the list of office equipment somewhere visible (on the office wall, for example) so you and your co-workers/employees can easily check whether everything is in its place.
7. Don’t leave any office guests unsupervised.
This includes clients or maintenance personnel. Welcome them at the office entrance and escort them to the office exit when they have finished the work that they came to do.
8. Call security if you notice anything out of the ordinary.
If you notice that someone was in your office or something is missing from it while you were away, call the office security (if your office has security staff), or call the police.
9. Keep your passwords private.
Keep your key cards, key, identity badges, computer passwords safe by not lending them to anyone. They can be misused and you don’t want to be held responsible if someone abuses that privilege.

10. Make sure that employees don’t work alone at night.
If you, co-workers or employees stay late at work, ensure that nobody works alone. In the instance that it is unavoidable, emphasize the importance of keeping the office doors closed and locked if they’re working alone.
We at JD Security think that taking most of these measures mentioned can only improve overall office security. Further, all these traits mentioned do not require a big budget, but mostly an overall awareness of the employees behavior and surroundings.
-Damian Wolf {Security Expert & Guest Blogger}
Damian Wolf is a writer and business security expert at JD Security from Sydney. He loves to write about small business, home improvement and things that make life easier topic. When he not improving home or business security systems, Damian loves to play tennis or barbecue with family and friends.
I like how you mentioned escorting guests through the exit and entrance. My brother just got a new office for his tech company and wants to increase their security. He should look into different smart locks or having a security staff.