Hand in Hand: Blog and E-newsletter Integration

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Ask any marketing expert and they would agree that successful marketing involves integration. This integration centers on ideas and is transmitted across multiple platforms in order to promote products and services. Two marketing tools that seamlessly go hand in hand are blog articles and e-newsletters. Both are content marketing tools that can promote your business while collaborating together.

How does this collaboration occur? To answer that you must to consider cross-channel integration. In more blatant terms, it revolves around linking blogs and e-newsletters to one another. This linking in turn connects to your companies website and helps generates sales. Here are a few ideas your small business can use to marry these two marketing tools together:

Linking, Linking, Linking

The importance of linking within your e-newsletters cannot be stressed enough. E-newsletters are the perfect communication outlet to promote new blogs, news articles and campaigns through links. Spotlighting blog articles in your e-newsletters allows you to link the blog article to your website, increasing your CTR and visitors to your site.

Summary of Articles

Blog summaries need to be engaging and interesting enough that your readers click through to the blog itself but not too comprehensive as to deter readers. Remember that e-newsletter should draw attention and also be brief, calling the eye to an interesting article spotlight and linking back to the full article on your site. Copy and paste the first 3 (or so) sentences of the blog article to your e-news, and finish the sentences with a “…continue reading” or “…keep reading” call to action that links to the website.

Graphical Links

Nothing grabs attention like a good picture. Inserting photos or graphic images into your e-newsletter is a basic necessity, but they can also help link to blogs. Chances are if someone likes photo enough, they might click on it. Use pictures to create a link to blog articles by using graphical linking, it’s an easy extra element that you can use to drive traffic to your site!

Customer Comments

A nice way to incorporate blog articles in e-newsletters is to highlight customer comments about a blog. You can do this by either responding to a comment or simply adding the comment near the summary of the related blog article. Positive feedback from other consumers will increase the likelihood of other readers checking out your blog.

Integration is a wonderful and easily implementable marketing tool; you just have to know how to use it!

Try a combination of these tips in each one of your e-newsletters to promote blogs and drive traffic. Don’t forget to tantalize your subscribers with a Read more… link at the end of a description and add interesting graphical links! As always, let us know how these tips help connect your blogs and e-newsletters! Happy blogging and integrating!


About Jamie Teasdale

Jamie Teasdale founded Propel Businessworks, a small business development company, in 2009. Since then, she has been lending insight and creativity to businesses all over the U.S., giving them the tools they need to plan, promote, and prosper.