If you are squatting on more domains than you have websites to fill. If you are always coming up with clever website ideas. If you register domains because of FOMO. If you search domain registrar sites for URLs more frequently than you balance your checkbook, you might be a domain hoarder.
Hello, my name is Jamie Teasdale and I’m a recovering domain hoarder.
For over a decade I’ve spent enough money to pay for a massage and a facial each year renewing domains. And I am not alone. Many of my clients, friends, and family members do it too. (you know who you are!)

While I still believe that holding onto domains that are reflective of or part of your brand, the “idea domains” really have no value unless you’re using them.
So, I’ve decided it’s time to purge, let go, and stop the madness of paying for something I’m just not using – even if it is only $15 a year (yes, that’s just over $1.30 per month), it’s time to trim the fat.
Did you know different domain types (look at the extensions: .com, .net, .org) have different pricing? Is that clever domain you’ve been holding onto worth the lack of use? Perhaps. Only you can decide that.
Doing the math, I finally decided to let go of my propelyour.biz domain and save the $27.90 per year. It’s a small amount to swallow each month or year. But if you consider the overall cost, I’ve spent over $270.90 squatting on that sucker for 10 years and only ever used it for small promotions which I probably can’t say recouped the expense.
Time to end that madness.
Unless otherwise noted, every photo, caption, word, and all content on this site is property of Jamie Teasdale and Propel Businessworks, copyrighted, and may not be copied without prior approval.
Amen!! Too many. Too confusing. Too much stress for this senior chic! I’m about to tackle Google and ditch domains and email that I’ve collected over the years for “business”. Yes, Sue is downsizing!
Thanks Jamie
Good for you! May you feel lighter and freer than ever! ;o)