Welcome 2021!

Jan 1, 2021 - PropelBizworks Social

This year I pray for inspiration for you. That you will welcome and embrace 2021. That each morning will call to you and greet you warmly. That you will rise with purpose and hope. May you have courage to stand, to be brave, and to charge ahead. No one knows the future, but you are strong! May 2021 rise up to meet you. #2021

Jamie Teasdale

Jamie Teasdale founded Propel Businessworks, a small business development company, in 2009. Since then, she has been lending insight and creativity to businesses all over the U.S., giving them the tools they need to plan, promote, and prosper.

Unless otherwise noted, every photo, caption, word, and all content on this site is property of Jamie Teasdale and Propel Businessworks, copyrighted, and may not be copied without prior approval.