Each year my guy and I head out deep into the Oregon woods to camp for the 4th of July holiday. And each year it is overdue, much needed, and goes by way too fast – just like every vacation. But this year was one for the books!
We spent 5 nights and 6 days on the banks of a river, just the two of us and our dog.
Our days started mid-morning to give our bodies rest and allow them to recharge.
With hot coffee and breakfasts, no agendas, games and reading to ease into each day, we would finally migrate down to the river to absorb some sun and sit in cool waters.
Kevin even caught a rainbow trout of a lifetime on this river he has grown up on.
Each night we retired to camp for a hot, tasty meal and camp fire.
Oregon is a magical state where beauty abounds and it doesn’t take much to escape technology and completely disconnect. It sounds simple and typical, and maybe it is, but no one ever said I need fancy, flashy, sparkly vacations. I just need to turn off my devices and notifications and be in nature. To ground myself, breathe deeply, and marvel in God’s creation.
I’m so grateful for this home of mine and a husband who loves the same! And I’m thankful too, for clients and team members and associates who excuse me for a week to unwind, infuse, and refill.
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