Jamie Teasdale Talks Reaching Your Business Goals on MediaShower

Jamie Teasdale had the opportunity to be interview by MediaShower about reaching your business goals. You can find the full interview on their website, but here is a sample of the interview.


Propel Businessworks helps individuals reach their business goals. How does the team at Propel Businessworks achieve this?

Propel is a small business growth strategy company. We help small business owners develop their brand, establish online presence through websites and social media presences, and develop content marketing plans that we can also execute.

We help small businesses grow!

What kind of businesses can PropelBusinessworks.com help?

We work with solopreneurs and startups, small businesses with teams of up to 20, as well as online businesses or those with store fronts. Whether they are just getting started or have been in business for 15 years, we can help them get to the next level.

What are some ways that businesses keep themselves from prospering? How does Propel Businessworks help those businesses overcome whatever it is that holds them back?

For the full interview, follow the link below.

10,000 Hours in 10 Minutes: Jamie Teasdale on Reaching Your Business Goals

About Propel Team

The team at Propel are each growth experts who know precisely how to use their expertise to Propel your business. Learn more at https://propelbusinessworks.com/about/our-team/