Winding Down the School Year

SuccessThe school year is winding down, and we increasingly hear people discussing their summer plans. What are your plans for your business this summer? Does your workload tend to increase or decrease over the summer months? No matter how the season affects you, it’s important to strategize now how to maintain your business’ hard-earned momentum.

In the midst of juggling a summer schedule, here are some ways we have found to help us continue building our business momentum:

  1. Take a break. However counterintuitive this may seem, it’s a proven fact that taking regular breaks actually helps increase your productivity. This is a concept that should be implemented in our workday, but we postulate it should also be applied to the bigger picture of our work year. Don’t take the whole 3 months of summer off as a vacation, but let yourself take things at a little bit slower pace. Enjoy the season and let yourself take a breather.
  2. Keep in touch. Remind your customers about your business. Not only is this a great way to stay top-of-mind with past, current, and potential clients, it’s also just plain good customer service. Come up with a strategy that works for your business – maybe you’ll mail a postcard, or send gift baskets, or even create a prize drawing they can enter into. But whatever you do, a friendly “hello!” goes a long way.
  3. Check something off the to-do list.  Most of us have a section of our to-do list that’s made up of tasks we just don’t get around to doing because something else always has priority. Pick a few of these items to focus on this summer. Imagine what it would feel like ramping up for fall with a re-organized filing system or brand new website!
  4. Share lunch. Take the opportunity to spend time with other business owners in your network. Create stronger relationships with strategic people who can help you and your business continue growing. If you have employees or people you work closely with, get to know them a little better. Investing time into your team and your network is a sure-fire way to maintain and build momentum!

Momentum is an invaluable asset to have in your business. This summer, we encourage you to have a game plan to maintain the momentum you have, and position your business for more growth.

© 2012 Propel Businessworks (SEG) – All rights reserved.

About Sarah Gill

A talented writer and strategist, Sarah is passionate about connecting people with their unique creative voice so their message can find authentic and powerful expression.