This sabbatical I’m in wouldn’t be possible without a trusted support system around me. It isn’t hard to remember how lucky I am and this heart is grateful daily for my team at the helm of Propel’s ship during this precious time.

Propel would not be what it is without the team members I have. They have the skills and carry responsibility it takes for me and our clients to trust the jobs are getting done, and getting done well!
I am so grateful for all of the team building lessons I’ve learned, both positive and difficult, over the years. Through them I have learned how to identify character qualities and establish criteria for what I’m looking for in team member partnerships.
Flexing my gratitude muscle daily as I snuggle my sweet baby, recover, and rest knowing this is exactly where I should and need to be!
Thank you team! You bless me beyond measure!
Unless otherwise noted, every photo, caption, word, and all content on this site is property of Jamie Teasdale and Propel Businessworks, copyrighted, and may not be copied without prior approval.