Posts Tagged ‘business planning’
5 Easy Ways to Manage Multiple Social Media Profiles
The Art of Juggling Different Platforms It’s 9am and you’re already behind on posting. You’re sifting through Twitter, news feeds, Feedly, Digg, and more identifying post-worthy content. Finally you craft a post and open the various tabs to all of your social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google My Business …the list goes on). Thirty…
Read MoreWhat Is A Communication Plan?
So you’ve heard that blogging is a great idea and your website will love you for it. You know that e-newsletters could be a good opportunity to stay in front of your clients and referral partners, but you are afraid of being a nuisance or just ‘another email’ in an inbox. You’ve even been told…
Read MoreBusiness Planning Happens in Various Ways
Business planning isn’t only about an annual plan, nor about an official document, it happens in many various ways. Planning can be used in almost every area of business and since it comes natural to me, it has always been an important part of my personality and life. In this article, I’m talking about all…
Read MorePlanning Ahead: Make your Efforts Work for You
Planning Ahead for Your Business Business masters do it religiously. Investors bank on it. Vision can limit or extend it. And, to the level it is applied and maintained translates directly into its success. Planning – an intention or decision about what one is going to do. It’s not just a word. It’s a mission…
Read MoreRefocus Your Steps to Success: 2nd Quarter Preparation
Wasn’t it just yesterday we were thinking about our New Year’s resolutions and wondering what the year might hold for us? And yet here we are, in the month of April! As we approach the end of the 1st quarter, it’s a strategic time to review what we’ve accomplished so far, and look ahead at…
Read MoreAnnual Business Planning
It’s not just about finances Many times we see entrepreneurs launch ventures that are innovative, embody drive, and even incredible merit. They put together a business plan and decide to pitch their idea to investors. As visionaries, they see the light at the end of the tunnel and seek backing from the ‘successful’ experts. After-all,…
Read MoreThe 2015 Report On the State of Cyber-security
The 2015 Report On the State of Cyber-security SEC staff have been conducting sweep examinations of over a hundred registered investment advisers and broker-dealers to test the preparedness and practices of these firms against cyber-security attacks. What they found convinced the SEC to issue a Risk Alert through its Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE). The…
Read MoreThe Nuts & Bolts of Operational Planning, part 1 – by Kathie Nelson
A crash-course in mapping your path to a solid business plan. You want to make money doing what you do best. A sure path to struggle is giving it a go without a plan. Having no plan equates to working much harder for more hours and for less money over a longer period of time…
Read MoreBusiness Resources
We are excited to announce our NEW Business Resource Guides! First is our Social Media Resource Guide. This guide is a collection of tips, facts, guidelines, and information about how to use 7 of the main social media platforms for business. We’ve also included general social media tips, as well as ideas for non-profits to…
Read MoreLook Back To Move Forward by Jennifer Powers
At the end of every year, most of us busy biz owners begin to look at what we hope to accomplish in the New Year. We set goals and budgets, make plans and promises to do better or more business than we did the year before. We thrive on searching for the areas that need…
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