How I Took the Fun Out of Disneyland

It wasn’t until the second half of our last day at Disneyland that I realized I had to share about my observations of the “happiest place on earth”. My family could arguably be the #1 Disney-loving family of the Pacific Northwest and we would rival any other. Put us on Disney’s version of the that…

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The Importance of Customer Service on Social Media

Customer service is defined as: “the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services” according to Oxford Dictionaries. If you have purchased a product, gone to a restaurant, or called a company for assistance about a product or service, you have experienced customer service. The…

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Business Gifts for Long-Term Customer Relationships

5 Great (and Inexpensive) Business Gifts for Long-Term Customer Relationships   Are business gifts still ‘a thing’? They most certainly are, says Forbes contributor John Hall. In fact, the writer stresses the importance of letting long-term customers know you’re thinking about them by sending out gifts even when the time hasn’t come for the holidays.…

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7 Ideas for Creating Exceptional Customer Service

reach the sky

We all want to be given 5 stars by our customers. But, how do you practically do that? The obvious answer is that you’ve “Got to give the people what they want”, but that’s not always possible. Top regarded companies across any industry tend to have core competencies that unite them in being, well, awesome.…

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The Website Platform Comparison Guide for 2014!

website platforms

Building a website is not easy business. You can outsource it to a professional web designer or try to build it yourself. One can be expensive and the other headache inducing. Thankfully, there are platforms out there that make the process easy and cost-efficient.

The first step is to pick a website platform to build your website on. But, how do you choose? Which one is the right one for your business? With all of the options available to users, picking one platform can seem overwhelming.

First and foremost we have some questions to answer.

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Creating a Sense of Welcoming

Seeing how business and hospitality work together. Today’s blog comes to us from Linda Moxley, owner of Welcome Home Girlfriend. She is the epitome of a welcoming person, and has built her entire business on the idea of hospitality. We can’t think of anyone more qualified to write about this topic! Her personal story and…

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