Taking Pause and Finding What Truly Matters During An Unprecedented Time
We are now 4-5 weeks into an unprecedented time in our lives. Both personally and professionally, in some way or another, you’ve been impacted. We all have.
Unprecedented times can be breeding grounds for uncertainty and concern, if not outright fear. And that’s a reality. What is happening is very real indeed.

But as Seth Godin so eloquently states, “We know how things are. How could we not? The question is: Will you embrace an emotional posture that models how you’d like to feel instead? Today, this day, we only get once. How do you want today to feel on an emotional level? It takes effort. But it’s a choice. We can’t change how things are in any given moment, but we can change how we will approach today. And yes, an attitude can spread. Begin with us.”
Taking Pause and Shifting Perspective
If we take pause, actively shift our perspective from a place of worry, or trying to figure everything out, and instead know in our bones we can and will overcome this season, there is so much more waiting for us on the other side. Truly taking inventory of our hearts and businesses, weighing the wins and the losses, and finding the silver lining is what it takes to get through any challenge.

Ideas for Readjusting
We all need a reminder of what is important and what it takes to readjust to a new “norm”. Here are some ideas:
- Know you’re not alone. Although everyone’s specific circumstances may differ, there isn’t a soul on the planet not impacted by this virus. We are truly in this together. There’s a very special solidarity in that.
- Show up for yourself. Honor and own your coping process. That can look different everyday. You deserve that level of self-awareness and care.
- Yes, use this time to better your business or yourself in any way you see fit. Get fired up about a new business model, or take the plunge on an idea that’s been lingering in the back of your mind for months. But if you need to take a breath, or several, do that, too. It’s more than possible to do both.
- We are social beings. Be in touch with your people. Ironically, community has never been more important. Let us encourage hope and resilience in one another.
- Use your resources. Fortunately we live in the technological time that we do and connecting virtually is easier than ever. Expand your network. Host a Zoom happy hour, Saturday or Sunday Zoomosa brunch with friends, or a weekly time to chat with family.
- Give yourself and others immeasurable grace and kindness. It’s the only way.
- Ultimately: Do what you can with what you have. Keep your heart posture towards that of positivity and hope. That’s the only thing we can guarantee for ourselves right now.
And we must ask ourselves the hard questions, too: What are we hurrying back to? What will come of this? How can we be better? Do better?

When We Re-emerge, and What To Do in the Meantime
The grand hope is that we can emerge from this better and more wholesome people and business owners. That our world would know more compassion, kindness, and togetherness than ever in history. That we can single handedly create a culture of support during the highs and lows.
There are, of course, many questions we don’t and won’t have an answer to for awhile. But this is, if nothing else, a time to learn and experience and soak in a change of pace.

Rarely will we have control over big scale issues. But all the smaller efforts day in and day out matter. It can change the course of our world and ultimately, our lives.
And the domino effect begins.
This article was written by our very own Megan Carter. Learn more about Megan here.