Independent Contractor NDA Agreement

  • Your business name
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  • This Agreement is made as of the above designated "Effective Date" between Propel Businessworks having a place of business at 1230 SW 1st Ave, Portland, OR 97204, and the above mentioned "Indepentend Contractor", having a place of business at the above mentioned "INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR ADDRESS".

    In connection with current or future contractual relationships between the parties, it may be desirable for the parties to exchange confidential information; as such term is hereinafter defined (“Confidential Information”).

    Accordingly, “PROPEL BUSINESSWORKS” and “INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR” agree as follows:

    *Please check next to each article to acknowledge you have read it entirely and agree to the terms therein.
  • In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above.

    Propel Businessworks

    By: Jamie Teasdale
    Title: Owner
    Date: 02/19/2025
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  • Please type your full name to sign this document
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