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I invite you to peruse the posts and captions below and leave a note on any that speak to you. (I respond personally to each comment!) Staying current with all the Propeller things happens here and through our enewsletter!
Thank you for joining the journey and I look forward to hearing from you as the story continues...
~ Jamie
Shapeshifting Priorities | A Mother’s Day Reflection
As anyone would guess, life has changed dramatically since becoming a mom. For years I prioritized my full time role as a business champion and much of my energy was given to small businesses, owners…
Learning As You Go: Lessons We Take With Us
Recently, I found a yellow legal note pad with notes I had scribbled down in April of 2009. That was fifteen years ago this month and I can still vividly remember the moments I was…
Technology Requires Patience, Perseverance, and Critical Thinking
I was born in 1980, before cell phones, personal computers, or even email and social media. The world was more simple back then. We played outside with neighborhood kids, drank from the hose, and built…
Honoring All Mompreneurs
If I was a business owner and entrepreneur long before I was a mother, can I call myself a mompreneur? According to Wikipedia, I guess I can! Their description says, “A mompreneur is a female business owner who…
“Should Your Agency Say Goodbye To Social Media?”: Jamie Interviewed by Brooke Sellas for Social Media Examiner’s Marketing Agency Show
This month I was asked to share my story and thoughts on how Propel, as a marketing agency, left social media services behind and forged a new trail without it. Listen to the podcast or…
How Hard Work, Patience and Gratitude Grew My Business … and My Life
[Read Time: 7 minutes] This post is dedicated to all the people who have made this entrepreneurship and business building journey possible. Everyone who has encouraged, uplifted, and helped me grow while doing the same…
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Self-taught and self-studied, addicted, and borderline obsessed, I may not have “formal” marketing education per se, but with over 30 years of observation and learning on my own, you might say experience is my foundation….
It’s Take Your Dog To Work Day 2023
It’s Take Your Dog To Work Day 2023 and I’m honoring my 13 year old trusty sidekick Halo who has been part of Propel from the beginning! Work may look a little different these days,…
Stepping Away From Expectation
BLOG EMAIL RECIPIENTS, PLEASE READ! IMPORTANT NOTE BELOW… Truth be told, we often hold expectation over our own heads with more burden and weight than others do. The expectation to succeed, to follow through, to…
You Might Be A Domain Hoarder If…
If you are squatting on more domains than you have websites to fill. If you are always coming up with clever website ideas. If you register domains because of FOMO. If you search domain registrar…
Taking Tax Time by the Horns
Every year tax time seems to creep up and get the best of me. So this year I thought starting early would be the ticket. It helped! I’m taking tax time by the horns and…
Finding A Good Bookkeeper
If you’ve ever heard me speak on entrepreneurship or starting a business, then you’ve heard my rant about finding a good bookkeeper. I’ve known a few bad ones but that only honed my interviewing skills…
Promises Can Make Or Break A Business
Many a reputation have been destroyed by false hope and quick words. Since words carry so much weight, always remember… promises can make or break a business or a person. Isn’t it wise then, to…
Learning How To Embrace Adaptability
Responsibility aside, planning is one of my superpowers. So, this new mama role is really causing a rub. Being responsible for a business is one thing, but our daughter has forever trumped work life. That…
From Our Family To Yours… Merry Christmas!
As this incredible year comes to an end, we find ourselves overwhelmed with gratitude and delight, and excitement for all that is to come in the days ahead. Our hearts are so thankful for the…
Rain, the holidays, and Friday traffic are already making things nasty out there today. Plus, a whole new skill is being learned in our household as the Teasdale’s are sleep training as a family! Luckily…
Set Your Mind on Gratitude Every Day
Do you feel it’s easier for you to self-start on Mondays, or harder – and why? I’m encouraging you not to let society tell you how to approach your day or your week. Set your…
Calling All Women Entrepreneurs
Tomorrow is Women Entrepreneurship Day and I’m throwing out respect for all you ladies who juggle all the roles and responsibilities like the bosses you are. There has never been a time I haven’t been…
Land of the Free Because of the Brave
Thank you doesn’t begin to cover it. To all who have served, and are still out there defending our country – we wouldn’t be free without your sacrifice. We are the land of the free…
Dream and Plan Big!
It takes guts. To cross a bridge, dream big, get on a plane, talk to a stranger, or step out on your own into the world of business. Guts and grit. While a business plan…
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Unless otherwise noted, every photo, caption, word, and all content on this site is property of Jamie Teasdale and Propel Businessworks, copyrighted, and may not be copied without prior approval.
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