“Open For Business”

3.11.21 Open For Business

Small businesses are my passion. I’ve been the daughter of a small business couple since 1990 and I’ve seen, supported, and worked in every aspect of the entreprenuer’s life since then, advocating for their success and survival.

Small businesses have been challenged, detoured, and all-out stopped in the last year and it’s been sad to watch. But tides are changing and doors are re-opening. Small businesses are OPEN and they are counting on you!

May I encourage you to actively seek out a small business instead of one owned by a tech company, establishment, corporation, global giant, or otherwise?

If we all chose to buy skin care, vitamins and health items, independent contractors, crafts people, books and resources, groceries, auto parts, crafts and home goods, and more from a local stores who are trying to keep their doors open, we might just keep someone’s dream alive.

Let’s do that. Shall we? Let’s keep dreams alive by supporting someone else’s. Remember… what goes around comes around. 😉


  1. Lowell on March 12, 2021 at 10:53 am

    Small Business…America’s lifeblood!
    Said Jamie!

Jamie Teasdale

Jamie Teasdale founded Propel Businessworks, a small business development company, in 2009. Since then, she has been lending insight and creativity to businesses all over the U.S., giving them the tools they need to plan, promote, and prosper.

Unless otherwise noted, every photo, caption, word, and all content on this site is property of Jamie Teasdale and Propel Businessworks, copyrighted, and may not be copied without prior approval.