Do you feel it’s easier for you to self-start on Mondays, or harder – and why? I’m encouraging you not to let society tell you how to approach your day or your week. Set your mind on gratitude every day for the opportunities you encounter and the motivation you need on Monday (or every day) will find you.
As we say goodbye to another Thanksgiving, let’s not forget that an attitude of gratitude serves us every day. Thankfulness isn’t a day, or an emotion, it is a lifestyle.
On Monday you will arrive back at the workplace after a fun and festive holiday with a choice to make. Grumble and be pessimistic about having to get out of bed and “go back to work”, or remembering the holiday you just shared with friends and family who love you. The same holiday we celebrate, with grateful hearts, all the blessings in our lives – including our profession.
While Thanksgiving may be over, you have a few more days to enjoy before Monday comes around again. Do not worry about tomorrow, but go into today with a mind set on gratitude for all it will bring.
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