17 Years Strong

17-Years-Strong 5

Established and anchored in unity, my rock and I are celebrating our anniversary this weekend and we’re proud to be 17 years strong…

We would never have guessed, imagined or set out to start a family in our 40’s, nor would we have thought to wait until we’d been married for this long. But what we agree on today is that any sooner and it wouldn’t have been the right time. God knew this year, this season, would be perfect timing.

We are in our groove, finishing each other’s sentences, confident in our loyalty to one another, happy and healthy in emotion and communication. We are best friends, each other’s biggest fans and we think of the other person first and give from our hearts on the daily.

It wasn’t always easy and we fought hard for where we are, but we have withstood the fire, been refined, and we are stronger and better for it. And now, our little girl will reap the benefits of that solid and firm foundation.

Our celebration will certainly be overly memorable this year as our final anniversary just the two of us. Of course, she is with us, as seen in the photos commemorating where we are today. But the typical selfie of years past will be dwarfed this year as a different meaning and the presence of a growing, moving belly is stamped in time. The dinner conversation will be just as sweet, but likely we’ll giggle and daydream with the knowledge that our greatest adventure of all embarks so very soon.

Happy 17th Anniversary, my love. There is no one else I’d rather do life or anticipate amazing experiences with. And I would do it all over again and again knowing we have each other and a blessed life we love!


  1. Lara Schaefer on May 20, 2022 at 11:42 am

    This is beautiful!

Jamie Teasdale

Jamie Teasdale founded Propel Businessworks, a small business development company, in 2009. Since then, she has been lending insight and creativity to businesses all over the U.S., giving them the tools they need to plan, promote, and prosper.

Unless otherwise noted, every photo, caption, word, and all content on this site is property of Jamie Teasdale and Propel Businessworks, copyrighted, and may not be copied without prior approval.