Business Growth Strategy
Getting active in – and activating – your community
How you can get the most out of the business communities you belong to “Community” is a buzzword currently making its way around in popularity. It’s a good word with a good message; it implies our innate desire to forge deep and meaningful relationships. But how does that translate to our professional lives? Is it…
Read MoreCreating a Successful Social Media Strategy Part 3: LinkedIn
How to maximize LinkedIn company pages for your business LinkedIn is a social media networking site every business professional should be on. LinkedIn was created for and focuses on allowing professionals to interact with and expand their network based on “connections” – the LinkedIn equivalent of “friends” or “followers.” Some people know about LinkedIn and…
Read MoreTime to Set Up Shop
The signs telling you it’s time to move your business out of the garage and rent an office space for your business location Most great things start small and rise to greatness from humble beginnings. Many businesses follow that pattern: from the start-up phase in a make-do kitchen office, businesses grow and eventually reach the…
Read MoreTake Note! part 2
Process documentation tips for every business owner In part 1, we talked about the desirable ways process documentation can affect your business. Now in part 2, we’ll get down to the nitty-gritty details of how to actually get this done. We all know how busy you are and that you really didn’t need one more…
Read MoreTake Note! part 1
Why process documentation is important for your business if you want to grow Process documentation might sound like the least exciting task ever. And it might be – except for preparing taxes and balancing the checkbook. But we’d like to help you see that process documentation might be one of the most vital strategies you…
Read MoreCreating a Successful Social Media Strategy Part 1: Facebook
Facebook is everywhere. Some people practically live on the social networking site. At the end of 2012 the California company said it had more than a billion active users. It’s hard to ignore anything being used by that many people! A business that does not have a Facebook page could be hurting itself. Business owners…
Read MoreWhat Do Most Businesses Learn in 4 Years? by Jamie Teasdale
The lessons our first 4 years in business taught us After being in business for almost four years, one thing I can say with assurance is: we’re not in Kansas anymore! Owning a business is much different than I thought it would be, both in good ways and challenging ways. There have been difficulties, triumphs,…
Read MoreMapping Your Business Model
5 keys to creating a dynamic and successful business model Building a business requires a unique mix of being a Master Strategist and a Creative Genius. Most of us probably find ourselves identifying more strongly with one or the other instead of both: we’re either really good at creating outlines and seeing the big picture,…
Read MoreWorth Your While: Factoring Your Marketing ROI
Tips for determining marketing ROI Any time you make a significant investment, you want to make sure that investment is worth your while. Measuring results is the best way to reinforce the value of a thing and prove its validity. Sometimes, though, it isn’t so easy to track and determine success or failure. Marketing is…
Read MoreWho Is Your Team?
Tips for building a team that will achieve long-term business growth. Overall health can be traced back to the health of individual organisms that make up the whole. It’s true for our bodies, and it’s true for our businesses. And since growth doesn’t happen without health, business growth depends on the individual health of the…
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