The Proof Is In the Pudding: Social Media Grows Businesses

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
Growing your business through social media is a popular topic among entrepreneurs and marketers. Done well, social media grows businesses by creating a tribe and bringing in new customers and clients. Improperly executed, social media can become a waste of time and resources. So what’s the key to making the strategy work and bring growth to your business? Here are a few tips:
1. Be consistent.
Building a solid social media presence takes time; it just doesn’t happen overnight. Consult with a marketer and determine what you need to post, where you need to post it, and how often – and stick with it! Just because your campaign isn’t a success at first, don’t throw in the towel. Consider making a few adjustments, and be willing to give it time to catch on.
2. Use the right tools.
So much of your success will depend on having a smart strategy. Managing your company’s social media can potentially consume an enormous amount of time, so utilizing the best social media management tools will keep you efficient and laser-focused. >>>Here are five of our favorite social media management tools
3. Keep track of your progress.
If you don’t know how you’re progressing, it’s easy to think you aren’t moving anywhere. This is especially true in the beginning stages of developing your social media strategy, when the going is slow. Not only does the measured growth encourage you to keep going, regularly tracking results will also help you make adjustments to better reach your audience. >>>Learn easy ways to keep track of your social media progress
4. Do more than just talk on social media.
In other words, if all you do is schedule posts and nothing more, you’re doing it wrong. Social media is all about creating a community, which by definition requires interaction. Engage with your audience, respond to any questions, comments, or concerns they voice, and always strive to keep your content fresh and relevant. >>>Find out other strategies for managing social media beyond publication
5. Follow social media best practices.
Like in any social circle, there are standard rules of behavior on social media. Keep your posts light, professional, and relevant. Don’t mix business with pleasure, and remember to do the basics like double-check your posts for spelling or grammar errors.>>>Read more social media best practices
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6. Focus on the right platforms.
With SO MANY social media platforms to choose from and a billion articles explaining why EACH ONE is absolutely necessary to be on, you can quickly feel overwhelmed! But here’s the truth: you do NOT have to be on every platform! In fact, I hope you aren’t! Choose the top three platforms your audience uses most and really focus your time, energy, and marketing dollars into those strategic places. >>> Here’s an overview of the top social platforms to choose from
7. Set goals and create a plan.
It’s hard to hit the mark when you don’t have a target. Social media grows businesses that know exactly how they want to grow. If you don’t know what you’re hoping to get out of having a social media presence, you aren’t going to be happy with the results. Before you get started, you have to establish your WHY and then create a plan of how you will get there. >>> A tutorial on how to plan your social media out ahead of time
Using social media to grow your business is more than smart, it’s essential and strategic. Follow these seven tips and you’ll be well on your way to setting your business head and shoulders above the rest!