Bird’s Eye View
Definition is one of the best life tools we have. If a thing is defined, it can be understood. If understood, it can be planned. If planned, it can be achieved.
Etymology explains the evolution of a word’s meaning; reflection explains the evolution of a definition in your life.
Many of us began this year with a set of goals marked out and defined. Here, nearing 2011’s half-way mark, it’s time to take a closer look at those goals and redefine, if necessary…
1.Perspective (pəˈspɛktɪv: – n: 1. A way of regarding situations, facts, etc, and judging their relative importance; 2. The proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it; objectivity).
Most of us have a hard time getting the right perspective when we’re tired, stressed, overloaded, and overwhelmed with everyday to-do lists. So, do what it takes for you to be able to step back from being so entrenched in your daily routine, in order to objectively see the bigger picture of your goals.
2.Evaluate (ɪˈvæljʊˌeɪt: -v: 1. To ascertain or set the amount or value of; 2. To judge or assess the worth of; appraise.)
Once you’ve gained perspective, it’s time to evaluate. It’s time to ask yourself a question: What were the goals you started the year with? What have you accomplished? What have you not even started? Part of the evaluation process is to also take into account the unplanned events outside of your control that may have impacted your goals and may necessitate a change.
3.Adjust (əˈdʒʌst: v: 1. To change (something) so that it fits, corresponds, or conforms; adapt; accommodate; 2. To put in good working order; regulate; bring to a proper state or position; 3. To systemize.)
After seeing the big picture and evaluating your progress, the next step is to make any needed adjustments in order to accomplish what you set out to do in 2011. Sometimes you may need to realign your direction to hit your goals. Other times, life may have started to head an unexpected direction – in a good way – that requires you to redefine your goals.
4.Focus (ˈfəʊkəs: -n: 1. A point upon which attention, activity, etc, is directed or concentrated.)
The rest of this year is all about focusing with intensity on the goals you’ve set for yourself. Knowing your goals is one thing, but truly concentrating your attention and activity on them is another. Success will come by actively and intently taking steps that get you closer to the goals you have given yourself.
Goals can be overwhelming, and even more so when we’ve set them for ourselves. Knowing exactly where you stand lets you know how far you’ve come, and also provides you with the opportunity to see where you need to be. Throughout the busyness of daily life, don’t forget to pause, regain perspective, evaluate, adjust, and dive right back in with a renewed sense of focus and direction.
Here’s to the second half of 2011. Are you ready?
-Sarah Gill
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