How to Make Your E-Newsletter More User-Friendly

Image courtesy of PIxabay and PIX1861

Image courtesy of Pixabay and PIX1861

What are the goals of sending out an e-newsletter?

  • Reach your target audience
  • Give them valuable content
  • Expand your subscriber’s list
  • Get your name in front your readers
  • Drive traffic to your website

To measure this, e-newsletter senders check their insights & analytics including: unsubscribe rate, bounce-back, etc. But, perhaps one of the most important analytics to understand and monitor your e-newsletter is your click through rate.

Click through rate is defined as:

“A way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign for a particular website as well as the effectiveness of an email campaign by the number of users that clicked on a specific link.” (via Wikipedia)

So, how do you improve click through rate and reach your goal of driving traffic to your website via your e-newsletter?

Make it user friendly!

In your e-newsletter, you are most likely including images, recent blog articles, upcoming events, promotions, and contact information. Although all of these parts make for a good e-newsletter, a great and effective e-newsletter goes one step further by incorporating links.

Where should you add links?

  • Photos: Alongside your blog articles, e-newsletter distributors will add a photo that is relative to the blog topic included. Link the image to the original blog post on your website or a social platform that the image was taken from such as Facebook.
  • Titles: E-newsletters are broken up into sections and each section has a new title. Link the title to whatever you are discussing in that the section: a blog title should be linked back to the original blog on your website, “follow us on (insert social platform) should link to the social platform, etc.
  • “Read more” and other calls to action: To avoid creating a lengthy e-newsletter, calls to action are included at the end of a section such as “click here” or “read more.” Make sure you link these to the rest of the content you want them to read.
  • Social platforms: If your e-newsletter includes social icons or mentions of your social media platforms, link directly to your business’ Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ site. Eliminate the work your readers have to do in order to find you online.
  • Events: E-newsletters are a great place to promote upcoming events. When discussing the event, link to the event’s sign-up or informational page.
  • Email address: If you provide your email address anywhere on your e-newsletter, make sure it is a mail: to link. Make it easy for your readers to contact you in one easy step!
Image courtesy of Pixabay and geralt

Image courtesy of Pixabay and geralt

Adding links in your e-newsletter is one great way to improve your content and make it user-friendly. An e-newsletter that is user-friendly is more apt to creating loyal readers, which could lead to an increase in your subscription list as they refer their coworkers, friends, and family to your site.


About Jamie Teasdale

Jamie Teasdale founded Propel Businessworks, a small business development company, in 2009. Since then, she has been lending insight and creativity to businesses all over the U.S., giving them the tools they need to plan, promote, and prosper.